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Lucian Voicu
5 feb. 2018
5 moduri de a reduce migratia angajatilor si de a-ti mentine personalul fericit

Lucian Voicu
5 feb. 2018
Da, angajatorii se uită (şi) pe profilul tău de Facebook şi LinkedIn!
Cati dintre noi au avut in ultimul timp succes in procesele de recrutare cu ajutorul mediului online? Asa-i? Intram multi in aceasta...

Lucian Voicu
5 feb. 2018
Step Up!
Where you are today is a reflection of the education and skills that got you there. The question is, where do you want to be tomorrow?...

Lucian Voicu
5 feb. 2018
How to succeed as a HR leader: forget ‘best practices’
We all know it’s difficult to step back and get to know an organization. But, in an HR leadership role, you need to be the person who...
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